Monday, October 19, 2009

New York Criminal Law News

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The Daily Record of Rochester (Rochester, NY), October 19, 2009 Monday, COMMENTARY, 687 words, Commentary: Law schools failing their clientele, Nicole Black... aspirations to start his own criminal defense practice, but ...... professional and husband of a criminal defense attorney SMungmung: "The ...
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The Daily Record of Rochester (Rochester, NY), October 19, 2009 Monday, NEWS, 1066 words, Neighborhood Focus: Rochester's 14621 area, Colleen M. Farrell... low-income residents and criminal activity, he said. Vacant ...
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The Daily Record of Rochester (Rochester, NY), October 19, 2009 Monday, NEWS, 714 words, Rivera receives maximum in shooting of Rochester Police Officer Anthony DiPonzio, Elizabeth Stull... juvenile offender law, Penal Law §70.05, as an ...... sentencing. The boy was charged with criminal possession of marijuana in the ...... VIOLENT CRIME (89%); CRIMINAL LAW (89%); JUVENILE ...... LEGISLATIVE BODIES (89%); CRIMINAL OFFENSES (89%); MURDER ( ...
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The Journal News (Westchester County, New York), October 19, 2009 Monday, NEWS; Pg. NaN, 440 words, Ex-New City couple face fraud charges, Akiko Matsuda LARCENY & THEFT (90%); INVESTIGATIONS (90%); ...... 77%); INDICTMENTS (77%); CRIMINAL OFFENSES (77%); GRAND ...
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The New York Times, October 19, 2009 Monday, Late Edition - Final, Section A; Column 0; Editorial Desk; EDITORIAL; Pg. 26, 370 words, Oh, That Account... investigation into UBS has led to criminal investigations of scores of taxpayers. ...
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The New York Times, October 19, 2009 Monday, Late Edition - Final, Section B; Column 0; Business/Financial Desk; LINK BY LINK; Pg. 3, 920 words, Twitter and a Newspaper Untie a Gag Order, By NOAM COHEN... halls of deliberation -- whether a criminal jury's chambers or an ...
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The New York Times, October 19, 2009 Monday, Late Edition - Final, Section A; Column 0; Foreign Desk; Pg. 6, 344 words, Party Rift Grows Wider In Zimbabwe, By CELIA W. DUGGER, JOHANNESBURG ... constitution, used its control of the criminal justice system to selectively ...
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The New York Times, October 19, 2009 Monday, Late Edition - Final, Section A; Column 0; Editorial Desk; EDITORIAL; Pg. 26, 1156 words, Fed Up With Albany... 89%); ETHICS (89%); CRIMINAL OFFENSES (88%); INVESTIGATIONS ( ...... PUBLIC FINANCE (73%); CRIMINAL CONVICTIONS (73%); LARCENY & THEFT (68%); ARRESTS (68%); ...
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The New York Times, October 19, 2009 Monday, Late Edition - Final, Section A; Column 0; Foreign Desk; Pg. 4, 996 words, Love of Designer Clothes Adds Flair to Police Corruption Trial in South Africa, By BARRY BEARAK, JOHANNESBURG ... bits of sensitive information that the criminal found useful. The case could be ...... ACCESSORIES STORES (77%); CRIMINAL CONVICTIONS (75%); INTERNATIONAL ...INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL POLICE ORGANIZATION (INTERPOL) ( ...
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The New York Times, October 19, 2009 Monday, Late Edition - Final, Section C; Column 0; The Arts/Cultural Desk; THEATER REVIEW 'THE EMPEROR JONES'; Pg. 1, 1260 words, Absolutely Corrupt, By BEN BRANTLEY... not only of his own criminal past but also of a ...
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The New York Times, October 19, 2009 Monday, Late Edition - Final, Section B; Column 0; Business/Financial Desk; Pg. 1, 1086 words, Arrest of Hedge Fund Chief Unsettles the Industry, By MICHAEL J. de la MERCED and ZACHERY KOUWE; Ashlee Vance contributed reporting.... 52, crossed the line into criminal activity.... status has been suspended. A criminal complaint filed in ...
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The New York Times, October 19, 2009 Monday, Late Edition - Final, Section A; Column 0; Metropolitan Desk; Pg. 20, 1252 words, Indicting DNA Profiles Now Critical in Old Rape Cases, By AL BAKER; Alain Delaqueriere contributed reporting.... Michael R. Bloomberg's criminal justice coordinator. ''They shouldn't be ...... like serial car theft. Many states, including ...... robbery or serial car theft. A $500,000 ...... disappear. The National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, in ...... DNA from all convicted criminals as well as from all arrestees, as is ...... DNA TESTING (90%); CRIMINAL CONVICTIONS (90%); EVIDENCE ( ...... 89%); FORENSICS (89%); CRIMINAL OFFENSES (89%); ROBBERY ( ...... LAW SCHOOLS (78%); CRIMINAL LAW (77%); ASSAULT & ...... SENTENCING (77%); LARCENY & THEFT (76%); INVESTIGATIONS (74%); ...... SENTENCING (72%); VEHICLE THEFT (72%); US STATE ...
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The New York Times, October 19, 2009 Monday, Late Edition - Final, Section A; Column 0; Foreign Desk; Pg. 4, 929 words, Twin Bombings Kill 5 Commanders of Revolutionary Guards Corps in Iran, By MICHAEL SLACKMAN; Mona El-Naggar contributed reporting from Riyadh, and Nazila Fathi from Toronto., RIYADH, Saudi Arabia ... promised ''that those who committed such criminal and inhuman acts will ...
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The New York Times, October 19, 2009 Monday, Late Edition - Final, Section A; Column 0; National Desk; AMERICAN ALBUM; Pg. 1, 1047 words, Once Convicts' Last Hope, Now an Advocate for Students, By JOHN SCHWARTZ, ATLANTA ... CAPITAL PUNISHMENT (89%); CRIMINAL CONVICTIONS (89%); LAWYERS ( ...
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The New York Times, October 19, 2009 Monday, Late Edition - Final, Section A; Column 0; National Desk; Pg. 12, 1131 words, Calling Story of Boy and Balloon a Hoax, a Sheriff Will Seek Felony Charges, By BRIAN STELTER; Joseph Berger and Sheelagh McNeill contributed reporting.... 89%); CHILDREN (89%); CRIMINAL OFFENSES (89%); TELEVISION ...
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The New York Times, October 19, 2009 Monday, Late Edition - Final, Section C; Column 0; The Arts/Cultural Desk; ARTS, BRIEFLY; Pg. 2, 92 words, Stage Manager Arrested, By ERIK PIEPENBURG; Compiled by RACHEL LEE HARRISACTORS & ACTRESSES (90%); CRIMINAL OFFENSES (85%); BAIL ( ...
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The New York Times, October 19, 2009 Monday, Late Edition - Final, Section A; Column 0; Foreign Desk; Pg. 1, 1217 words, Diverse Sources Pour Cash Into Taliban's War Chest, By ERIC SCHMITT; Carlotta Gall contributed reporting from Kabul, Afghanistan., WASHINGTON ... financing for the Taliban is criminal activity, including kidnappings and ...
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Newsday (New York), October 19, 2009 Monday, ALL EDITIONS, NEWS; Pg. A15, 55 words, CORRECTIONSGUILTY PLEAS (90%); CRIMINAL ASSAULT & BATTERY (90%); ...
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Newsday (New York), October 19, 2009 Monday, ALL EDITIONS, NEWS; Pg. A02, 525 words, Killer's family out of neighborhood; Son convicted in 1989 slaying of Kelly Ann Tinyes; Parents had stayed in house where body was found, BY MATTHEW CHAYES AND REID J. EPSTEIN... 91%); HOMICIDE (90%); CRIMINAL CONVICTIONS (89%); FAMILY ( ...
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Newsday (New York), October 19, 2009 Monday, ALL EDITIONS, NEWS; Pg. A03, 650 words, Made-for-TV hoax; Sheriff: Balloon ploy was designed to get reality show; Boy's parents expected to face felony charges; Probe looking to see if media outlets was involved, BY DAN ELLIOTT. The Associated Press... 90%); SHERIFFS (89%); CRIMINAL OFFENSES (89%); TELEVISION ...
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Newsday (New York), October 19, 2009 Monday, ALL EDITIONS, NEWS; Pg. A34, 144 words, NEW YORK CITY: Witnesses sought in attack on Brooklyn man, SOPHIA CHANG AND ANDREW STRICKLERPOLICE FORCES (90%); CRIMINAL OFFENSES (87%); ARRESTS (73%); CRIMINAL CONVICTIONS (71%)
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Newsday (New York), October 19, 2009 Monday, ALL EDITIONS, NEWS; Pg. A09, 974 words, Rape claim's fallout; False accusations, as in Hofstra case, take a toll; Experts say accused, accusers pay the price, BY ANN GIVENS... Ndonye would not face criminal charges as long as she gets ...... former president of the Nassau Criminal Courts Bar Association, ...... Criticism of Rice's decision The Criminal Courts Bar Association has ...... youthful offender status had she been criminally charged with the misdemeanor crime of ...... men warranted a criminal charge. Watson said she would have ...... DOMESTIC VIOLENCE (71%); CRIMINAL OFFENSES (69%); COMMUNITY ...
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Newsday (New York), October 19, 2009 Monday, ALL EDITIONS, NEWS; Pg. A16, 408 words, SPIN CYCLE: State legislators not in rush to help guv, Dan Janison... 78%); POLITICS (78%); CRIMINAL CONVICTIONS (78%); CRIMINAL OFFENSES (78%); MEDICAID ( ...
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Newsday (New York), October 19, 2009 Monday, ALL EDITIONS, NEWS; Pg. A17, 164 words, Man charged in fatal hit-run, BY MATTHEW CHAYES... POLICE FORCES (77%); CRIMINAL OFFENSES (72%)
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Poughkeepsie Journal (New York), October 19, 2009 Monday, NEWS; Pg. 1, 794 words, Mom haunted by fatal '79 hit-and-run, Rasheed Oluwa ... 1 [vehicle one] and the criminal liability that would determine the character of the ...... John Jay College of Criminal Justice in New ...

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