Source: New York Legislative Retrieval System (LRS), Search run September 26,2010.
To retrieve the text of any of the New York Chapter laws listed below, go to
Chapter Bill No.
483 A924E DelMonte (MS) -- Authorizes the department of environmental conservation to promulgate standards authorizing hunting with a crossbow; repealer
BLURB : En Con L. hunting w/crossbow
Chapter Signed Date Effective Date
483 09/17/2010 takes effect 10/1/2010, except that §§4 and 5 shall take effect 2/1/2011, provided that any rules or regulations necessary for the timely implementation of the provisions of this act on its effective date shall be promulgated on or before 2/1/2011 and provided that this act shall expire on 12/31/2012 when upon such date the provisions of this act shall be deemed repealed; provided that the amendments to par a of subd 2 of §11-0907 of the environmental conservation law made by §11 shall be subject to the expiration and reversion of such paragraph pursuant to §13 of chapter 600/1993, as amended, when upon such date the provisions of §12 shall take effect
Last Act: 09/17/10 signed chap.483
484 A1130A Dinowitz -- Provides for limited dental instruction for dentists licensed in another state at accredited and approved schools or residency programs
BLURB : Ed L. lim dent instr
Chapter Signed Date Effective Date
484 09/17/2010 09/17/2010
Last Act: 09/17/10 signed chap.484
485 A2294 Thiele -- Relates to the taking of fish for commercial purposes
BLURB : En Con L. taking fish comml purps
Chapter Signed Date Effective Date
485 09/17/2010 09/17/2010
Last Act: 09/17/10 signed chap.485
486 A4687 Lopez V (MS) -- Increases membership of New York city housing authority
BLURB : Pub Hous. NYC hsng auth; mbrshp
Chapter Signed Date Effective Date
486 09/17/2010 09/17/2010
Last Act: 09/17/10 signed chap.486
487 A5653A Rosenthal (MS) -- Relates to co-payments for prescription drugs
BLURB : Ins. co-payments; prescript drugs
Chapter Signed Date Effective Date
487 09/17/2010 takes effect on (12/16/2010) the ninetieth day after it shall have become a law; provided that the amendment to subsec (j) of §4325 of the insurance law made by §1 shall not affect the repeal of such subsection and shall expire and be deemed repealed therewith
Last Act: 09/17/10 signed chap.487
488 A6192 Weinstein (MS) -- Changes composition of the advisory council for the housing part of the New York city civil court
BLURB : NYC Civ Ct. hsng pt advis council
Chapter Signed Date Effective Date
488 09/17/2010 takes effect 1/1/2011
Last Act: 09/17/10 signed chap.488
489 A7078A Rosenthal -- Requires appearance enhancement business owners to provide masks and gloves to nail specialists
BLURB : Gen Bus L. nl sp
Chapter Signed Date Effective Date
489 09/17/2010 takes effect on (3/16/2011) the one hundred eightieth day after it shall have become a law
Last Act: 09/17/10 signed chap.489
490 A7907D Bing -- Relates to prudent management of institutional funds standards; repealer
BLURB : N-PC L. prudent managemt inst fun
Chapter Signed Date Effective Date
490 09/17/2010 09/17/2010
Last Act: 09/17/10 signed chap.490
491 A7957A Lentol -- Relates to peace officer training; repealer
BLURB : Exec. peace officer training
Chapter Signed Date Effective Date
491 09/17/2010 takes effect on (1/1/2011)the first of January next succeeding the date on which it shall have become a law, provided that completion of the training program required by subd 1 of §2.30 of the criminal procedure law as amended by §3 shall apply only to peace officers appointed on or after the effective date of this act, and provided further that peace officers appointed prior to the effective date of this act shall be subject to the training requirements in place at the time of their appointment
Last Act: 09/17/10 signed chap.491
492 A8079A Parment (MS) -- Enacts the "community college region capital financing act of 2010"
BLURB : Pub Aut. community college financ
Chapter Signed Date Effective Date
492 09/17/2010 09/17/2010
Last Act: 09/17/10 signed chap.492
493 A8285 Rosenthal (MS) -- Adds certain substances to the list of nonprescription drugs reimbursed by medicaid
BLURB : Soc Serv. medicaid reimbursement
Chapter Signed Date Effective Date
493 09/17/2010 takes effect on (10/17/2010) the thirtieth day after it shall have become a law
Last Act: 09/17/10 signed chap.493
494 A8687B Rosenthal (MS) -- Prohibits the sale and use of wheel weights containing lead
BLURB : Gen Bus L. sl us whl wght
Chapter Signed Date Effective Date
494 09/17/2010 09/17/2010
Last Act: 09/17/10 signed chap.494
495 A9466A Kolb (MS) -- Relates to the fixing and collecting of rates and charges by the Cayuga county water and sewer authority
BLURB : Pub Aut. Cayuga water/sewer auth
Chapter Signed Date Effective Date
495 09/17/2010 09/17/2010
Last Act: 09/17/10 signed chap.495
496 A9913 Crouch -- Authorizes the village of Port Dickinson, in the county of Broome, to offer an optional twenty year retirement plan to Sean Crouse and Paul Buttacovoli
BLURB : Crouse, Buttacovoli: 20 yr. retir
Chapter Signed Date Effective Date
496 09/17/2010 09/17/2010
Last Act: 09/17/10 signed chap.496
497 A9947 Alessi -- Authorizes William Bianco and Eric Lipinsky to file for retroactive membership in the optional 20 year retirement plan
BLURB : Auths filing for retro retirement
Chapter Signed Date Effective Date
497 09/17/2010 09/17/2010
Last Act: 09/17/10 signed chap.497
498 A10109 Abbate -- Allows members of the New York state and local police and fire retirement system who retire to elect the alternative option
BLURB : R & SS. pol & fire retir alt opt
Chapter Signed Date Effective Date
498 09/17/2010 09/17/2010
Last Act: 09/17/10 signed chap.498
499 A10123 Glick -- Amends chapter 537 of the laws of 2008, amending the education law relating to a restricted dental faculty license, in relation to extending the expiration of such chapter
BLURB : Educ. eff dt dental lic
Chapter Signed Date Effective Date
499 09/17/2010 09/17/2010
Last Act: 09/17/10 signed chap.499
500 A10268 Townsend -- Authorizes the town of Kirkland to offer an optional twenty year retirement plan to police officers Griffin, Knight, Cania and Smoulcey
BLURB : 20 yr retire twn of kirkland
Chapter Signed Date Effective Date
500 09/17/2010 09/17/2010
Last Act: 09/17/10 signed chap.500
501 A10634B Lopez P -- Relates to filling vacancies on the board of trustees and budget proposals in the D.R. Evarts library district in a portion of the town of Athens
BLURB : D.R. Evarts lib dist; vacancies
Chapter Signed Date Effective Date
501 09/17/2010 09/17/2010
Last Act: 09/17/10 signed chap.501
502 A10638 Paulin (MS) -- Authorizes a limited permit to practice dental hygiene
BLURB : Ed L. limited dental hygiene lic.
Chapter Signed Date Effective Date
502 09/17/2010 09/17/2010
Last Act: 09/17/10 signed chap.502
503 A10718 Alessi -- Increases the amount the town of Southold, county of Suffolk, may appropriate for the Orient mosquito district from $80,000 to $120,000
BLURB : Orient mosquito district
Chapter Signed Date Effective Date
503 09/17/2010 09/17/2010
Last Act: 09/17/10 signed chap.503
504 A10943 Gottfried -- Prohibits the use of patient quotas for selecting dental treatments
BLURB : Pub Heal. prh pt qot
Chapter Signed Date Effective Date
504 09/17/2010 09/17/2010
Last Act: 09/17/10 signed chap.504
505 A10946 Cahill (MS) -- Requires polling places to be accessible to physically disabled voters
BLURB : Elect. polling place accessibilty
Chapter Signed Date Effective Date
505 09/17/2010 takes effect on (12/15/2010) the fifteenth of December next succeeding the date on which it shall have become a law. Effective immediately, the addition, amendment and/or repeal of any rule or regulation necessary for the implementation of this act on its effective date are authorized and directed to be made and completed on or before such effective date
Last Act: 09/17/10 signed chap.505
506 A10979 Burling -- Extends until December 1, 2012 the authorization of the county of Wyoming to impose a recording tax on obligations secured by a mortgage on real property
BLURB : Wyoming mortgage recording tax
Chapter Signed Date Effective Date
506 09/17/2010 09/17/2010
Last Act: 09/17/10 signed chap.506
507 A11312 Rules (Sweeney) -- Provides for a lifetime license for hunting, fishing and trapping under certain circumstances
BLURB : En Con L. lifetime lic huntfishtr
Chapter Signed Date Effective Date
507 09/17/2010 takes effect on (1/15/2011) the one hundred twentieth day after it shall have become a law; provided that effective immediately, the addition, amendment and/or repeal of any rule or regulation necessary for the implementation of this act on its effective date are authorized and directed to be made and completed on or before such effective date
Last Act: 09/17/10 signed chap.507
508 A11597 Rules -- Makes technical corrections related to reporting requirements of the department of correctional services
BLURB : Cor. DOCS reporting
Chapter Signed Date Effective Date
508 09/17/2010 takes effect on (8/11/2010) the same date and in the same manner as chapter 57/2010 amending the correction law and other laws relating to the collection of census data, as proposed in legislative bill numbers S.6610-C and A.9710-D, takes effect
Last Act: 09/17/10 signed chap.508
509 S1523A DUANE -- Relates to permitting two unmarried persons to adopt a child together
BLURB : Dom Rel. adopt; unmarried persons
Chapter Signed Date Effective Date
509 09/17/2010 09/17/2010
Last Act: 09/17/10 SIGNED CHAP.509
510 S2852 SAMPSON -- Expands the definition of "employee" for the purposes of defense and indemnification of certain nonjudicial employees
BLURB : Pub Off. definition; employee
Chapter Signed Date Effective Date
510 09/17/2010 09/17/2010
Last Act: 09/17/10 SIGNED CHAP.510
511 S3681 SAMPSON -- Relates to court approval of transfers of structured settlements
BLURB : Gen Ob. transfer struct settlmts
Chapter Signed Date Effective Date
511 09/17/2010 takes effect on (1/1/2011) the first of January next succeeding the date on which it shall have become a law
Last Act: 09/17/10 SIGNED CHAP.511
512 S5447C ADDABBO -- Relates to the creation of election districts and deployment of voting systems; repealer
BLURB : Elect. election districts
Chapter Signed Date Effective Date
512 09/17/2010 09/17/2010
Last Act: 09/17/10 SIGNED CHAP.512
513 S5533A SAVINO -- Provides for compliance by the NYS&LERS and NYS&LP&FRS with the requirements of the federal older workers' benefit protection act
BLURB : R & SS. compliance with OWBPA
Chapter Signed Date Effective Date
513 09/17/2010 and shall be deemed to have been in full force and effect on and after 10/16/ 1992, provided that: (i) this act shall not apply to any payment of benefits which became payable prior to 10/16/1992; and (ii) §§7 and 8 shall be effective if and, in such case, only to the extent §1 of chapter 617/1986 is unconstitutional insofar as it abrogates the rights pursuant to §508 of the retirement and social security law as added by §1 of chapter 890/1976, of public employees who became members of the New York state and local employees' retirement system on or after 7/27/1976 and before 9/1/1983
Last Act: 09/17/10 SIGNED CHAP.513
514 S5775A SEWARD -- Authorizes the city of Oneonta to offer an optional twenty year retirement plan to police sergeant Douglas W. Brenner
BLURB : 20 yr retirement for Sgt Brenner
Chapter Signed Date Effective Date
514 09/17/2010 09/17/2010
Last Act: 09/17/10 SIGNED CHAP.514
515 S6014B BRESLIN -- Relates to group life and group accident and health insurance policies
BLURB : Ins. group insurance
Chapter Signed Date Effective Date
515 09/17/2010 09/17/2010
Last Act: 09/17/10 SIGNED CHAP.515
516 S6041A FOLEY -- Relates to the redemption of tax foreclosed real property by certain military members
BLURB : RPT L. redemption of property
Chapter Signed Date Effective Date
516 09/17/2010 09/17/2010
Last Act: 09/17/10 SIGNED CHAP.516
517 S6152B OPPENHEIMER -- Allows Village of Mamaroneck to reopen the optional retirement plan offered under section 384-d of the retirement and social security law to certain police officers
BLURB : Village of Mamaroneck; ret option
Chapter Signed Date Effective Date
517 09/17/2010 09/17/2010
Last Act: 09/17/10 SIGNED CHAP.517
518 S6355A PARKER -- Permits membership in certain school related associations by grandparents of certain children
BLURB : Ed L. grandparents membership
Chapter Signed Date Effective Date
518 09/17/2010 provided that the amendments to subd 15 of §2590-h of the education law made by §1 shall be subject to the expiration and reversion of such subdivision pursuant to §34 of chapter 91/2002, as amended, when upon such date the provisions of §2 shall take effect
Last Act: 09/17/10 SIGNED CHAP.518
519 S6926A WINNER -- Allows certain deputy sheriffs of the county of Chemung to join the special retirement plan for sheriffs, undersheriffs and deputy sheriffs
BLURB : Chemung deputy sheriffs; retire
Chapter Signed Date Effective Date
519 09/17/2010 09/17/2010
Last Act: 09/17/10 SIGNED CHAP.519
520 S6984 LARKIN -- Authorizes the town of Montgomery, in Orange county, to offer an optional 20 year retirement plan to police officer Kenneth M. Byrnes
BLURB : 20 year retire: Kenneth Byrnes
Chapter Signed Date Effective Date
520 09/17/2010 09/17/2010
Last Act: 09/17/10 SIGNED CHAP.520
521 S7182A LARKIN -- Authorizes the village of Cornwall-on-Hudson, in the county of Orange, to offer an optional twenty year retirement plan to certain police officers
BLURB : Cornwall-on-Hudson: 20 yr. retir
Chapter Signed Date Effective Date
521 09/17/2010 09/17/2010
Last Act: 09/17/10 SIGNED CHAP.521
522 S7241 STEWART-COUSINS -- Relates to the conditional approval of a final plat
BLURB : Town. condtl approval final plat
Chapter Signed Date Effective Date
522 09/17/2010 09/17/2010
Last Act: 09/17/10 SIGNED CHAP.522
523 S7365A SQUADRON -- Relates to the payment protection afforded certain subcontractors on New York city school construction projects
BLURB : Pub Aut. subK paymt; NYC sch cons
Chapter Signed Date Effective Date
523 09/17/2010 provided that the amendments to §1735 of the public authorities law made by §1 shall not affect the expiration and repeal of such section and shall be deemed repealed therewith
Last Act: 09/17/10 SIGNED CHAP.523
524 S7454 SAVINO -- Extends the period of time during which certain real property tax exemptions apply
BLURB : RPT L. real prop tax exmpt extnd
Chapter Signed Date Effective Date
524 09/17/2010 09/17/2010
Last Act: 09/17/10 SIGNED CHAP.524
525 S7544A VALESKY -- Allows state police officers to receive an improved death benefit if they die without 20 years of service credit but with enough vacation and sick time to reach 20 years
BLURB : R & SS. improved death benefit
Chapter Signed Date Effective Date
525 09/17/2010 and shall be deemed to have been in full force and effect on and after 7/2/2009
Last Act: 09/17/10 SIGNED CHAP.525
526 S7627 MARCELLINO -- Authorizes the village of Upper Brookville to expend trust funds to provide access to a park
BLURB : Auths Upper Brookville to expend
Chapter Signed Date Effective Date
526 09/17/2010 09/17/2010
Last Act: 09/17/10 SIGNED CHAP.526
527 S7656 AUBERTINE -- Requires identification of practices most susceptible to threats from dumping out of state products
BLURB : Ag & Mkts. dumping prod.
Chapter Signed Date Effective Date
527 09/17/2010 09/17/2010
Last Act: 09/17/10 SIGNED CHAP.527
528 S7806A SCHNEIDERMAN -- Continues and expands New York's program for use of electronic means for filing certain papers in civil litigation in supreme court and other courts
BLURB : NYS program; e-filing in courts
Chapter Signed Date Effective Date
528 09/17/2010 and shall be deemed to have been in full force and effect on and after 9/1/2009, provided that the amendments to par (B) of subd (b) of §6 of chapter 367/1999 made by §§2 and 3 shall not affect the expiration and repeal of such paragraph and shall be deemed repealed therewith
Last Act: 09/17/10 SIGNED CHAP.528
529 S7830 KRUGER -- Relates to credit line mortgages
BLURB : RP L. credit line mortgages
Chapter Signed Date Effective Date
529 09/17/2010 09/17/2010
Last Act: 09/17/10 SIGNED CHAP.529
530 S8221A BRESLIN -- Authorizes the lease of lands located at the State University of New York at Albany
BLURB : SUNYA; lease lands
Chapter Signed Date Effective Date
530 09/17/2010 09/17/2010
Last Act: 09/17/10 SIGNED CHAP.530
531 S8350 DILAN -- Relates to tenant representative on city of New York housing authority
BLURB : Pub Hous. tenant rep NYC housing
Chapter Signed Date Effective Date
531 09/17/2010 takes effect on (9/17/2010) the same date and in the same manner as chapter 486/2010, amending the public housing law relating to modifying the composition of the membership of the New York city housing authority to specifically include tenant representatives, as proposed in legislative bills numbers S.1104 and A.4687, takes effect
Last Act: 09/17/10 SIGNED CHAP.531
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