Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Congressional Research Service (CRS) Reports Posted October 6, 2010*

Medicare Hospital Readmissions: Issues, Policy Options and PPACA

Report No. R40972

Subjects: Health Policy

CRS Reports, 111th Congress (9/21/2010; Posted: 10/6/2010)


P.L. 111-3: The Children's Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2009

Report No. R40226

Subjects: Children; Health Policy; Welfare

CRS Reports, 111th Congress (9/21/2010; Posted: 10/6/2010)


Legal Issues Relating to the Disposal of Dispensed Controlled Substances

Report No. R40548

Subjects: Drug Abuse; Medicine

CRS Reports, 111th Congress (9/24/2010; Posted: 10/6/2010)

Private Health Insurance Provisions of H.R. 3962

Report No. R40885

Subjects: Health Policy

CRS Reports, 111th Congress (9/21/2010; Posted: 10/6/2010)


Food Safety in the 111th Congress

Report No. R40443

Subjects: Food; Health Policy

CRS Reports, 111th Congress (9/23/2010; Posted: 10/6/2010)


PPACA Requirements for Offering Health Insurance Inside Versus Outside an Exchange

Report No. R41269

Subjects: Health Policy

CRS Reports, 111th Congress (9/21/2010; Posted: 10/6/2010)

Summary of Potential Employer Penalties Under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA)

Report No. R41159

Subjects: Health Policy

CRS Reports, 111th Congress (9/21/2010; Posted: 10/6/2010)

China's Currency: An Analysis of the Economic Issues

Report No. RS21625

Subjects: Economic Policy; China

CRS Reports, 111th Congress (10/1/2010; Posted: 10/6/2010)

Argentina's Defaulted Sovereign Debt: Dealing with the 'Holdouts'

Report No. R41029

Subjects: Argentina

CRS Reports, 111th Congress (9/24/2010; Posted: 10/6/2010)

Samantar v. Yousef: The Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act and Foreign Officials

Report No. R41379

Subjects: Foreign Policy; Law

CRS Reports, 111th Congress (9/24/2010; Posted: 10/6/2010)

Regulating Coal Combustion Waste Disposal: Issues for Congress

Report No. R41341

Subjects: Energy; Environmental Protection

CRS Reports, 111th Congress (9/21/2010; Posted: 10/6/2010)

Form 1099 Information Reporting Requirements as Modified by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

Report No. R41359

Subjects: Health Policy; Taxation

CRS Reports, 111th Congress (9/21/2010; Posted: 10/6/2010)

Agricultural Conservation Issues in the 111th Congress

Report No. R40692

Subjects: Agriculture; Budget; Environmental Protection

CRS Reports, 111th Congress (9/21/2010; Posted: 10/6/2010)

Fishery, Aquaculture, and Marine Mammal Issues in the 111th Congress

Report No. R40172

Subjects: Animals; Marine Resources

CRS Reports, 111th Congress (9/24/2010; Posted: 10/6/2010)

Ozone Air Quality Standards: EPA's Proposed January 2010 Revisions

Report No. R41062

Subjects: Air Pollution

CRS Reports, 111th Congress (9/22/2010; Posted: 10/6/2010)

Individual Mandate and Related Information Requirements under PPACA

Report No. R41331

Subjects: Health Policy

CRS Reports, 111th Congress (9/21/2010; Posted: 10/6/2010)

Child Nutrition and WIC Reauthorization: Issues and Legislation in the 111th Congress

Report No. R41354

Subjects: Children; Health Policy; Welfare

CRS Reports, 111th Congress (9/23/2010; Posted: 10/6/2010)


Private Health Insurance Provisions in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA)

Report No. R40942

Subjects: Health Policy

CRS Reports, 111th Congress (9/21/2010; Posted: 10/6/2010)

Health Insurance Premium Credits in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA)

Report No. R41137

Subjects: Health Policy; Taxation

CRS Reports, 111th Congress (9/21/2010; Posted: 10/6/2010)

Medicaid Checklist: Considerations in Adding a Mandatory Eligibility Group

Report No. R40490

Subjects: Health Policy; Welfare

CRS Reports, 111th Congress (9/21/2010; Posted: 10/6/2010)

Deadlines for Secretary of Health and Human Services in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

Memorandum No. 7-5700

Directed to Sen. Tom Coburn, R-Okla.; Sen. Orrin G. Hatch, R-Utah; Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas

CRS Reports, 111th Congress (10/1/2010; Posted: 10/5/2010)
*Selected federal documents below from CQ Roll Call Group may include references to government reports, Congressional letters, draft bills, and other primary source materials. Documents listed are accessible through subscription to the CQ Roll Call Group service. For information regarding subscribing to CQ Roll Call Group Hot Docs services go to  and look for Subscription Information.

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