Wednesday, October 20, 2010

News From the Blawgsphere October 20, 2010

Planned Missouri execution stays stayed over Sixth Amendment jury issue
posted by Doug B. at Sentencing Law and Policy -
As detailed in this Kansas City Star article, the "planned execution of a convicted Kansas City killer was called off late Tuesday night after the U.S. Supreme Court refused to lift a stay of execution."

A.M. Roundup: Monserrate indicted, DiNapoli’s warning
posted by Jimmy Vielkind at Capitol Confidential - 
Good morning. Well, maybe not. I’m considering what kind of world we’re leaving for our children. Can Americans still fulfill our inherent promise, or do we squander our opportunities? Do we let people do

Murder Is Excusable, But Being Gay....
posted by Orin Kerr at The Volokh Conspiracy -
(Orin Kerr) From a BBC story about a Saudi Prince, now living in London, who murdered his servant after having a sexual affair with him: If he ever returns to his home country he faces the possibility of e...

Average Homicide Cost Is $17.25M, Study Concludes"
posted by CrimProf BlogEditor at CrimProf Blog -
FindLaw has this story from Iowa State University. On the methodology: An overwhelming majority of this high sum is the result of the amount of money citizens would be willing to pay to prevent future crime....

Avi Steinberg
posted by Leonard Kniffel at American Libraries Magazine - The magazine of the American Library Association - 
Libraries are full of hints to life’s great puzzles. Source: Avi Steinberg, author of *Running the Books: The Adventures of an Accidental Prison Librarian*, “Lives: A Prison-Library Reunion,”

Zimmerman's Research Guide: Subscribe to The ZRG Blog's RSS Feed for Legal Research Alerts
posted by Joe Hodnicki at Law Librarian Blog -
Everyone knows Zimmerman's Research Guide: An Online Encyclopedia for Legal Researchers right? For the past couple of months Andy Zimmerman has been alerting legal researchers to new resouces

The Bluebook (be)comes Standard on WLN.
posted by Law Librarian at Law Librarian Blog
Almost six months ago, one of our Westlaw reps provided me with a quick demonstration on Westlawnext (WLN). I had lukewarm feelings about it at the time, but the more I use it, the more I seem to like it....

To Be Avoided: The Biases Over-Reliance on Expensive Commercial Online Services Can Create When They Dominate Access to Public Information
posted by Joe Hodnicki at Law Librarian Blog -
In Bloomberg Plans a Data Service on the Business of Government (NYT Oct. 10, 2010), Jeremy W. Peters reports that Bloomberg aims to make Bloomberg Government "an indispensable tool for lobbyists..."

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